Take On Me - literal version

Monday, September 8, 2008

just for everyone not my pic

It is like the war in iraq and rosa parks in the same comic strip. It is genius! I mean come on, who can come up with that?! MAGNIFICENT!!


Hehe im a Blogger Now said...

like your name all i have to say to that one is "oooh my gad" hehe ^_^

Zebedee Whitehorn tha coolest in da Lou said...

hey Morgan, I believe that you can get this done in no time so have no worries. Oh! guess wat?
Chicken Butt. lol
I knew that rabbits had a secret master plan to get at us.
-Zebedee Whitehorn-

♥こんにちは. 私の名前は ♣B*L*U*E*B*E*R*R*Y♣ です♥ said...

this is so sexy & stupid! lol

Hehe im a Blogger Now said...

i could not help but to vote and you know which one i chose? Bet you can't guess. ok ok i will tell you the button that says "i clicked the top one because i'm a hater" hilarious :-)

Mattt said...

a lol.

like to see more of this comic:
