Take On Me - literal version

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Biography of Kate Chopin response

Kate Chopin’s life was a Tragedy from beginning to end. Kate went through so much and lost a lot throughout her life. Kate’s life seems to affect her writing throughout her career.
Kate Chopin had a sad life. She lost her father at the age of five and a half and most of her family throughout. She was one of five children and was the only one to live past twenty-five. Her best friend was banished and her grandmother died the same year. She married Oscar Chopin in 1870 and he adored her. However, in 1882, Oscar died and Kate moved in with her mother, who died the next year. The she began to write to support herself and her family and became successful; however, this happy time didn’t last long either. Chopin was denied admission into the St. Louis Fine Art Club which broke her. After this blow she only wrote short stories until she finally stopped into the beginning of the twentieth century. Kate’s life was one long tragic story.
Kate’s stories, I believe, are loosely based on her life. She based “The Awakening” on a true story of a woman she knew. Her life and stories both have to ironic twist at the end when everything seems fine. In her story “The Story of An Hour” the widow had finally accepted her husband’s death and was looking forward to her day of freedom until ironically, he came back from the grave. This story is also related to her life by how the widow’s husband supposable was killed in a train accident but didn’t. I believe Kate wished that her father would appear and be safe just like the widow’s husband in her story. Her story “Desiree’s Baby” ended in death also and was ironic that the heroine killed herself for something that wasn’t her fault. Her stories were wildly affected by her life.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Disturbia Character

I chose Ashley as my character to analyze. When she was introduced she gave me the impression of the "girl next door" or the girl Kale would never be able to hook up with (laugh out loud). When the story unfolded my view of her changed because of her arguments with her dad, her choose of swim suits, and her encounter with Kale and Ronnie. She seemed more or less a regular girl with a questionable taste in swim suits (lol). However, she has a dangerous side which is expressed through her going to Kale's house because she was "locked out" which i believe was a lie to escape her boring life of swimming everyday and hanging out with no one. these details make the character believable because the new kid in the neighborhood wouldn't want to hang out by themselves and have no friends but also teenagers especially girls have arguments with their parents, especially dads.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fredrick Douglass ques.

1. Fredrick Douglass tricked white kids to teach him how to read and write. He traced letters out of copy books and Webster's Spelling Book.

2. Fredrick Douglass' mistress was nice until her husband taught her how to treat slaves. The result was that she got meaner than her husband and hated Fredrick.

4. I learned that life is not fair and everyone can't have the same things or the same privileges. I wanted life to be fair so I could have nice things like other kids but I also knew that there were other kids that had less than me.

Aren't I a Woman? ques.

1. Sojourner was talking to two men that said that women need help and that women can't have the same rights as men.

2. Sojounrner uses the example of her time in slavery and how she had muscles just like the men and didn't their help. She also used the example of Jesus and how he was born from a women and that women should have the same rights as men.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Gettysburg Address Ques. / My outlook on this school year

1. I expected that Lincoln would address the war in fuller detail. I expected the speech to be more of a rally to the audience to get ready for the the war.

I didn't do the rest, I don't understand these questions. I feel that it is really bogus that you gave us homework out of the fifty eassys book and that all this homework got me bent. I think teachers should take into consideration that we do have your class all year and they can slow down, and also that we are human and have a very limited time to do homework and get sleep after school. I'm not sure about everyone else but I have a job and housework to do. please put thouight into this, if you ever read this and everyone plz comment. love Morgan.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Romanticism - http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761573164/Romanticism.html
realism - http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761552472/Realism_(art_and_literature).html
gothic - http://www.enotes.com/gothic-literature/gothic-literature-an-overview